Monday, June 11, 2007

Tu chamas-me cão

Um grupo que apenas lançou um album honónimo, Temple of the Dog, o album quando saiu não teve sucesso algum. Passado um ano depois (1991) é lançado o album "Ten"  dos Pearl Jam ambos subiram nos tops. Qual a relação? O Edie Vedder participava no album, o resto da companhia era o Chris Cornell dos SoundGarden e alguns elementos dos Mother Love Bone.

O primeiro single dos Temple of the dog foi Hunger Strike.

É sem duvida uma música espetacular. Mas hoje dei pela primeira vez atenção à letra de "Call me a Dog" . Poque este titulo a uma musica. Pus a musica a tocar com a letra a frente, não sei porque mas pareceu-me ser maior do que estava à espera.

A ideia basica é que a mulher o trata mal. Quando ele faz algo de mal, chama-o cão, e quando ele faz algo que ele não gosta a chama de bonita, se tanto.

You call me a dog well that's fair enough

'Cause it ain't no use to pretend You're wrong

When you call me out I can't hide anymore

I have no disguise you can't see through

Well you say it's bad luck

To have fallen for me

Well what can I do to make it good for you

You wore me out like an old winter coat

Trying to be safe from the cold

But when it's my time to throw the next stone

I'll call you beautiful if I call at all

You call me a dog

You tell me I'm low 'cause I've slept on the floor

And out in the woods with the badgers & wolves

You threw me out 'cause I went digging for gold

And I came home with a handful of coal

But when it's my time to throw the next stone

I'll call you beautiful if I call at all

And when it's my time to call your bluff

I'll call you beautiful or leave it alone

You call me a dog

Well that's fair enough

It doesn't bother me as long as you know

Bad luck will follow you

If you keep me on a leash and

You drag me along

*guitar solo*

and when it's my time to throw the next stone

I'll call you beautiful if I call at all

And when it's my time to call your bluff

I'll call you beautiful or leave it alone

You call me a dog


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