Monday, August 22, 2016

Previously prefixed properties now standard

 List of deprecated css
Remove it all, they are unnecessary

-moz-animation [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-delay [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-direction [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-duration [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-fill-mode [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-iteration-count [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-name [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-play-state [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-animation-timing-function [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-backface-visibility [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-background-inline-policy [Superseded by the standard version box-decoration-break]
-moz-border-end [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-end]
-moz-border-end-color [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-end-color]
-moz-border-end-style [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-end-style]
-moz-border-end-width [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-end-width]
-moz-border-start [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-start]
-moz-border-start-color [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-start-color]
-moz-border-start-style [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-start-style]
-moz-border-start-width [Superseded by the standard version border-inline-start-width]
-moz-box-sizing [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-font-feature-settings [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-font-language-override [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-margin-end [Superseded by the standard version margin-inline-end]
-moz-margin-start [Superseded by the standard version margin-inline-start]
-moz-padding-end [Superseded by the standard version padding-inline-end]
-moz-padding-start [Superseded by the standard version padding-inline-start]
-moz-perspective [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-perspective-origin [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transform [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transform-origin [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transform-style [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transition [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transition-delay [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transition-duration [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transition-property [Prefixed version still accepted]
-moz-transition-timing-function [Prefixed version still accepted]

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